Προσφορά εβδομάδας: ΑΦΊΣΕΣ ΤΑΙΝΙΏΝ έκπτωση -30 %

Για συγκροτήματα και άλλες μάρκες

Do you have your own posters or merchandise? Sell it at Europosters!

Are you a music band or an other art group? Do you offer your own merchandise and would you like it to be widely known by your audience? Do you have no idea how to store or pack posters?

At Europosters, selling posters and other merchandise gifts is our daily bread. And we would be more than happy if you would join us with your b(r)and. You are in the right place!

At Europosters, we are constantly expanding our offer and we are currently looking for new collaborations that make sense to us. We believe that it is precisely the cooperation with you - perspective music bands, theatres, film and movie producers (or any other art group) who we would like to enable to spread awareness of their own brand and make money from it at the same time.

Join our bestsellers such as MetallicaRolling Stones or Queen!

So why should you start working with Europosters?

  • We are one of the largest sellers of posters and licensed merchandise gifts in Europe. We offer our products in 25 markets.
  • Every year, 500,000 customers shop on our webpage. 100,000 of them choose posters and gifts for their beloved ones from movie or music section.
  • We offer a wide range of printing options - for posters of various sizes, paintings on canvas, wallpaper and stickers for wall or other surfaces. We are also preparing printing on mugs or other materials.
  • We will also store other merchandise of smaller size for you (e.g. stickers, key rings or postcards).
  • With us, this will be super easy for you. You don't have to worry about printing, logistics, marketing, nor do you have to deal with daily customer support.
  • People who came to us to look for a gift or something trendy for their wall will find out about your products. Otherwise it would not occur to them to look at your website as they may not know that you actually offer something similar.
  • We fully respect that you sell your merchandise through other platforms. We only offer another opportunity for you to draw attention to yourself and to present yourself to fans who may not know that they are looking for your merchandise!
  • By cooperating with us, you earn up to 18 % from each of your sold pieces.

Sign up and we will be happy to try to accommodate your needs and create an offer tailor-made for you. We are open to new possibilities.


Contact us for more information at partner@europosters.eu

EuropostersΔιακοσμήστε τη ζωή σας

Από το 1999, το Europosters είναι ένα από τα κορυφαία ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα πώλησης αφισών, εκτυπώσεων τέχνης τοίχου και εξουσιοδοτημένων εμπορευμάτων στην Τσεχική Δημοκρατία και σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Στην προσφορά μας, μπορείτε να βρείτε μια τεράστια ποικιλία από αφίσες ταινιών, παιχνιδιών ή αθλημάτων όλων των μεγεθών, καθώς και ένα ευρύ φάσμα πρωτότυπων δώρων για πραγματικούς φαν του Star Wars, του Harry Potter, των κόμικς ή ολόκληρης της οικογένειας της Warner Bros. Γνωρίζουμε ότι οι κούπες, οι φιγούρες, τα παζλ και τα ρούχα είναι το καλύτερο δώρο για όλους, ανεξάρτητα από την ηλικία ή το ενδιαφέρον. Αλλά αν είστε λάτρης της εσωτερικής διακόσμησης, τότε είστε και στο σωστό μέρος! Σε καθημερινή βάση εκτυπώνουμε ταπετσαρίες, εικονογραφήσεις, φωτογραφίες και αναπαραγωγές έργων τέχνης και τις στέλνουμε σε περισσότερες από 25 χώρες για να κρατήσουμε ευχαριστημένους τους πελάτες μας.


E-mail: info@europosters.eu

Καλέστε: +420 210 440 210 (μόνο στα Αγγλικά)

Δευτερά με Παρασκευή ǀ 8:00–18:00


© 1999–2025 Europosters. Ολα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται.
